Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Dodged a bullet... this time.

Today I had to go to the pediatrician and have Darci tested for diabetes. For the past 2 weeks she has exhibited a lot of the symptoms; excessive thirst, frequent urination, loss of appetite, and tired all the time. At first I blamed it on the heat and how hard she likes to play. But we don't take diabetes symptoms lightly in this family. Type 1 and 2 are prevalent on both side of the family. So, we finally got her an appointment. All tests came back normal. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Our pediatrician says that she has allergies and is breathing through her mouth. With the heat and allergies she is getting really thirsty. She drinks so much and that accounts for her frequent diaper changes. She's so tired because it's hot and she plays hard and some people just need more sleep than others (she goes 11 hours a night and still takes a 3-4 hour nap every afternoon). He said that it's great she is recognizing her thirst and her sleepiness. Funny of the day. We had to do a urine sample. I don't even attempt sitting my children on a toilet until they are over 18 months. Darci is just shy of 18 months. I thought trying to get her on the potty would be a disaster. The nurse brought her a popsicle and we sat on the floor and talked to her while she sat like a big girl on a big potty over a big urine sample bowl. After about 5 minutes she did her thing and the nurse and I cheered and Darci grinned like she had just won a great prize. Maybe she'll be easy to toilet train. She looked like a big girl on that potty. :( She needs to stay my baby longer. I've accepted that I may one day have to deal with diabetes, whether I get it or one of my children. I'm just glad that time isn't now with an 18 month old. My sister-in-law, Audra is the mother of Brady who was diagnosed at a little over two years old. Brady and Audra are both so strong for dealing with this trial right now in life as well as they have.


Armstrong Family said...

Just remember, a lot of that strength comes from our Father in Heaven. He is the one that makes it bearable. I'm so very happy Darci doesn't have diabetes. If the day ever comes, He will watch over your family, and send plenty of extra blessings and comfort, as well.

Rachel said...

I'm so glad that everything turned out well.

Melinda said...

I'm glad it all turned out well!

Katie said...

I am glad that it turned out well too!

JAMIE said...

Yahoo for a clean bill of health for Darci!!! Don't worry about diabetes until it happens. It's hard to sit around waiting for the bomb to drop.

amy k said...

It's never a bad thing to be safe. I am glad that she is okay and doing great.

Hild Family said...

Wow, how scary! I'm glad she's ok. Diabetes runs in my family too. Not fun. And here's to Darci for being so good on the potty! Way to go!