Friday, June 4, 2010

My poor baby!!!

Some of my worst moments as a parent are when I'm helpless to keep my kids from hurting. On Wed ( the 2nd) Eliza ended up in the Emergency Department and then the Rapid Treatment Unit of Primary Children's Hospital. She had been feeling crummy for a little over a week. We had even been into see the pediatrician to check for an ear infection. Our dr believed it was cutting molars and that she might possibly be coming down with something. Really, it had seemed like she was getting better. Then, out of nowhere, she spiked a high fever and in the course of a couple of hours started throwing up repeatedly. She had to endure horrible tests to rule some things out. An air enema looks as horrible as it sounds and breaks even the hearts of those performing it. As always, all the drs and nurses at PCMC were wonderful. It took some major anti-nausea medication to stop her body's throw up reflex, IV antibiotics, 12 hours of IV fluids, and proof that she could keep down drinking fluids to be able to bring her home. We left almost 24 hours after getting there with a diagnosis of intestinal flu and an ear infection. She's still weak and we have to encourage and push her to drink still. We hope she continues to mend and heal without further setbacks.

1 comment:

Karryn and Roger said...

oooh, marissa, I am sorry, that is not fun. I hope she gets feeling better soon, and that everything goes better for you.