Sunday, September 28, 2008
Too cute!!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
So scary
There is nothing worse as a parent than seeing your child sick or in pain. Oh, wait, having drs do test after test and not knowing why your child is in pain is worse. Sunday, September 21 we realized that Darci was crying in pain whenever her legs were touched or if she was made to stand. She wouldn't even attempt walking. She had been very sick earlier in the week with a stomach bug, but I couldn't see how the 2 were related. We called her pediatrician and the nurse there told us to go to Primary Children's Medical Center and have her checked out. We arrived at the Emergency Department around noon and they took us pretty quick to a room. That's when the majority of the waiting began. We had to tell our story to several nurses and several drs. It's a teaching hospital, so you talk to the interns, the attendings, and the residents. Over and over.... "She got sick Tues night. Threw up for 2 days. Had the runs for 2 days. Seemed on the mend. Did our best to keep juices and pedialyte in her. She woke up this morning in pain and refusing to walk or even be forced to stand." We also noticed about this time that she hadn't peed since the night before. She sometimes wakes up dry, but usually "goes" within an hour of waking. IV fluids, 3 different blood draws, catheter for a urine sample, x-rays, and the threat of a spinal tap. Drs trying to get her to stand and walk. Drs throwing around the words "confused" and "baffled". Also throwing around words like "muscle disease", "bone infection", "blood infection", etc. I was a scared Mommy. And then the inevitable, "Is it possible that someone hurt her or purposefully made her sick?". I knew I would get asked this question at some point, but it didn't make it any easier. 5:30PM we are told we are going to be admitted upstairs. They want more tests and more x-rays. They don't want her going home without answers or until she's walking. She's had an IV running fluid the whole time and she still isn't peeing. I start to think this is all due to dehydration. When a baby gets dehydrated it can cause SO MANY different things. I've held it all together pretty good up to this point. Bret gets his dad to come help him give Darci and I a blessing. He stays with us until we are settled in upstairs. When he leaves (I wanted the boys to have a noramal bedtime routine that night) I completely breakdown. We have a wonderful nurse who makes friends with Darci. At this point she is afraid of anyone who walks in the room. She cries just to have her temperature taken. The night is restless. Darci has to be checked every 4 hours. Finally, around midnight she pees... A LOT!!! I've never been so excited to have my kid pee. Blessings and prayers! By morning (and about 3 IVs of fluid later) she was completely normal and running around. Our wonderful pediatrician showed up pretty early. He reviewed every test and did a thourough physical exam. DEHYDRATION! I can't believe I nailed it. He gave me this huge list of ways deydration can attack the body. And then he sent us home. Seriously the longest 24 hrs of my life. And I take back saying that having your child sick and in pain and the drs not knowing what it is the worst thing as a parent. I witnessed parents with VERY sick children fighting for their lives. Parents who were practically living in that place. I feel very blessed that Darci healed so quickly and we came home when we did. Sorry for the long post, but this incident has really affected me.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Salem 12th ward annual rodeo
Grandma Pingel and Christopher (love those blue eyes!)
Darci riding on Duke
Xander riding on Duke
Christopher on Duke
Every year my parent's ward has a rodeo and we always go, because they have good food and lots of fun activities for the kids. The last couple of years Grandpa Pingel has had his own horse and we like to go and see Duke participate, too. This year was especially fun as Uncle Justin, and cousins Stella, Jackson, Rachel, and Grady we're up from Las Vegas.
Christopher, Rachel (in pink), and Stella
Jackson and Christopher
Christopher, Jackson, Stella, and Rachel (again in the back in pink)
Darci. Christopher Grady and Rachel are behind her playing in the dirt:)
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Fun New Hair
Sunday, September 14, 2008
It's pretty :)
So, let me preface this post by pointing out that most of you that know me also know that I am no little-miss-holly-hobby-molly-mormon-homemaker. I try... it just doesn't come naturally or easily for me.