Friday, October 10, 2008

Last post continued

2 days after posting Christopher's handsome 1st grade pic and telling about the note home from his teacher we had his first Parent/Teacher conference of the year. Christopher did not disappoint. His reading level is "top of the class" and he's getting "bumped up another reading level" next week. He is sent home every night with a homework book and he flies through them. Homework books are supposed to be books to help them practice. They aren't supposed to be hard, but Mrs. Shakespear said everything is so easy for him. She also pulled out a paper and showed me the words she had asked him to read. He was only asked to read the first 25 on the page, but he kept going. Of the 100 words on the page he only missed 4. Math is also another area he is excelling in. They have been working on addition, but he'll ask Mrs. Shakespeare lots of math questions pertaining to subtraction and counting in 2s, 5s, and 10s. He's a "sensitive boy" and "quick to tears" but he's getting better. THIS doesn't surprise me. I wish I coul take credit for a lot of this. We worried when we didn't do pre-school with Christopher. I work with him, but I always feel like it isn't enough. I guess it is. He gets a lot of natural smarts from his dad. I'm scared for the day he asks for help with his homework and he knows more than I do.


Our Biggs Family said...

What a smart kid. Our oldest is very sensitive as well and doesn't like any amount of teasing if he perceives it as being unkind. I think the sensitive is good because he is also very aware of the Spirit and His promptings; however, it makes it difficult in school settings. He is getting better there is hope!

We never did preschool with our kids either. I was given a lot of slack for not doing preschool but I just felt that I was a stay at home mom for a reason and I didn't want to send them out yet...they leave home soon enough! You need to take a lot of credit for how prepared he is. Kids pick up so much just from being home with mom and helping with everyday things!

Armstrong Family said...

Yes, I read your post on Christopher yesterday and was amazed at how similar their SEP's were. So funny! It's definitely something to be proud about. Give Christopher big hugs and congrats from us and let him know how proud we are of him too!