Sunday, February 22, 2009

These kinds of scares ARE NOT allowed

With all the crap that has gone on with this pregnancy the last thing we needed was a scare. This last week I was feeling slightly under the weather and I woke up Friday morning (20th) feeling absolutely horrible. I went to my primary dr and was diagnosed with bronchitis and the beginnings of strep throat. My throat was on fire and I have been coughing incredibly hard... which can bring on contractions. I'm taking all kinds of prescribed medicines. Anyway, it's been a rough weekend. So, I'm resting after some lunch today and realize that I haven't really felt Eliza move much. She definately hasn't been my most active child in-utero, but I know her little movements and her patterns. So, I grabbed a sweet drink and laid down on my left side to do kick counts. According to all the literature you should feel 6-10 counts in an hour. NOTHING!!! I couldn't believe that I didn't get a single squirm or hiccup. So, I really freaked out and we got a babysitter for the kids and headed up to the hospital. After a few seconds they found a faint heartbeat. Then, with the help of something called an accoustic stimulator, they were able to get her moving. The accoustic stimulator makes a noise and vibrates on the belly. I think it may have startled her, because it gave her hiccups. But then she settled right back down. It took 30 minutes and several more tries with the stimulator to really get her going like they wanted. I was so relieved!!! The dr thinks with all the medication I have been on it made Eliza very sleepy. They reassured me that it was a GOOD thing I had come in and never hesitate if it should ever happen again. My little Eliza, I'm sorry for all the meds and coughing fits. Please squirm arround every now and then just to ease your Momma's mind.


Brossettelewis said...

I hope you have a long uneventful 7+ (who are we kidding) weeks ahead. Sorry you had a scare.

Mark and Becky said...

We had so much fun watching your kids. My mom and Grandma have not stopped talking about how cute and well behaved your kids are. Melinda was even doing a puzzle with Xander on the floor. Shocking! My family loves your kids and so do I.