Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I hate hospitals

I never used to, but I've seen my share of them lately. I went into labor late Saturday (March 14th) and was put on hospital bedrest. Today (March 18) they have let me come home on strict bedrest. So, this will be a very short post. We need Eliza to hold out another 2-4 weeks. I need to get back in bed. I'm very open to phone calls and visitors as bedrest is incredibly boring.


Brossettelewis said...

Sorry your life is so eventful. I think it's time you had a few boring weeks. As soon as we get better we'll help you pass the time.

Mark and Becky said...

I am so glad you are home. I love you!

Liz King Bradley said...

Hey, shoot me an e-mail with your phone number in it, and I'll call you!

Inalynn said...

Marissa, I'm sorry that everything is so crazy right now. Just keep reminding yourself that you are doing a good thing.

BeckyAndGirls said...

Two to four weeks isn't TOO bad...not as long as the others. SO I'm SOOO glad you made it this far. HANG IN THERE! I LOVE YOU!

The Pingels said...

I know what you mean! I spent 4 days in with Luke trying to stop labor before I begged to be released, and I was in for almost 6 days before I had Easton. It is the worst!