Sunday, March 8, 2009

So many misconceptions

I've been amazed at how many questions and statements people have made to me since Darci got diagnosed. Things that are misunderstood or just completely wrong about Type-1 Diabetes.
So, I'm going to clear a few things up as I understand them so far.
* Type-1 and Type-2 diabetes are completely different. With Type-2 your pancreas produces insulin, but your body doesn't use it and so you build up too many blood sugars in your body. With Type-1 your pancreas doesn't work. You don't produce the insulin that your body needs at all.
* Because your pancreas doesn't produce insulin in Type-1 you are completely insulin dependant. There isn't a pill form of insulin. You recieve insulin through injections or a special pump that injects it for you.
* There is currently no cure for Type-1. If diagnosed you will have it and insulin needs the rest of your life. There are no miracle diets or pills that work.
* There are no food restrictions. It's a balancing act of carbs, blood sugars, and insulin. If Darci goes to a birthday party she can have a piece of cake. She will just have insulin needs when eating it depending on her blood sugars.
I'm sure I'll think of more as more people approach me with questions and good intentioned advice.
Audra, correct me if I'm wrong on anything.


Megan said...

Marissa, you and your family are so great. Thank you for educating all. You and Darci continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

Brossettelewis said...

Yay that make my urge to bake you something doable, kind of :P . I am happy you are getting things figured out. Just think.. you have like almost 2 months :) to learn it all. I'm sorry, it's beyond crazy how much you are dealing with. I hope Eliza stays put until this has a chance to become a bit more normal.

Armstrong Family said...

Looks great! I'm glad you did this post because it's all true. It's common and understandable that everyone wants to start buying out the sugar free section of the store but there's no need unless giving her something sugar free means she can have a little more of something else, like for dinner or if you need a "free" snack. You're grasping far more than I did after the first week. Awesome!