Easter was a low key affair at our house this year... for obvious reasons. Between Darci's diabetes and Eliza being early and new we've become quite the germ phobes at our house. The kids enjoyed getting their baskets and didn't seem to mind that there wasn't much in the way of candy. At breakfast we talked about the true meaning of Easter and both Christopher and Xander seemed to take it to heart.
We were very brave and attemtped Sacrament Meeting at church and it went pretty well. Just a few tears from Darci because we forgot her binky.
We had a nice, cozy dinner that was just the 6 of us.
As you can see, we also got some good pictures.
This Easter has been one of reflection for me. I wondered if, when Christ suffered in Gethsemane, did he suffer a mother's pain for her children. Did He know what it feels like as a mother to see Darci get and struggle with diabetes? Did He feel the pain I felt nightly as I left my tiny baby at a hospital when all I wanted to do was take her home and hold her? Did He feel a mother's pain for a child lost to death? At first it was hard to imagine, because a mother's love is such a unique thing. Then, as I was watching Music and the Spoken Word, it hit me that He did. If anyone could feel that pain it was Christ in Gethsemane and when Christ felt that pain and suffered for us then I believe Heavenly Father felt the pain of seeing his child suffer.
I am so grateful for the sacrifice He made for me so that I can be with this family forever and not suffer the burdens of this world alone.

I LOVED this post! It souched me..(And the kids were really cute in the pics too!)
Been out of town and haven't kept on the blogging world.... so a BIG congrats on Eliza's birth and finally getting to have her come home.
Only a mother knows how frustrating life can be and what we feel so I am really hoping that things get back on schedule for you. You are a strong family to endure all you have had to!
I loved your post. It is hard being a mother and having to watch our children go through all these things.
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